Monday, January 28, 2008

so the baby kicks a lot a lot and every time she does I just get a big smile on my face and start laughing. A kick is a strong word to describe it... but it is amazing and I love having her gentle reminders "hey mom i liked that yogurt" or " yo mom give me something good.... i am hungry" or maybe she is just dancing around in there. She definitely seems to react to loud noices though. This morning on the way to the subway Keegan and I passed some people doing construction and using a jack hammer and she started kicking away and as I am typing this I can feel her a lot (yea and even now i have a big grin on my face). Both Keegan and I are getting really excited and pray that she stays in there until she is ready and is healthy when she comes out - we have been hearing lots of horror stories and it has me a little freaked out but I also should prolly not google labor and delivery photos anymore.
On another note... we are closing in on just one month left in this fabulous city and we are both feeling a bit nostalgic but doing lots of things citystyle and trying to enjoy the little time we do have left here. I put in my notice at work and Feb 27th is my last day and then the 28th I will head out of town to meet K after he has made the long drive with all our stuff. What a crummy wife not to keep him company during the 24 hours of driving but this pregnant mama just can't handle these days.
so for now that's us.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

new to this blog stuff

So I am very new to this whole blog thing but have really enjoyed reading other peoples blogs and like the idea of being able to keep up with people that it may otherwise be difficult - especially when there are a lot of new adventures, stories and changes going on in everyone's lives. So this is more of a test one but hopefully I get the hang of it and can write more interesting ones. Here is a start: its a girl!