Thursday, August 4, 2011


so its been crazy here... i know excuses excuses and i will kick myself when i want to look back about maddox at 10 months but i am here again. Swim team has come and gone, well summer league at Chandlers, and we won firt place at divisionals. This is huge and so exciting and wonderful to be a part of. I am hoping something turns into a part time year round thing but have yet to hear.
Maddox is standing and has taken two steps but only when totally distracted and not knowing what he is doing actually. We are re financing the house but I am ready to move. Shenaniganz is going really well right now, its hot as anything, ava is potty trained, rufus needs a walk, we head to nc via dc a week from today, maddox is huge, like off the charts huge - well I don't really know that cause i skipped the 9 month apt because I was working and there were no shots and it seemed like a waste but he is almost in 2t clothes. I do not even know where else to try and catch up on so I will add some lately pictures... okay they are maybe even two months old but its something and i will re dedicate myself to the blog.