Ava and I went to visit Arwen and Aaryn this weekend in Boulder Colorado. It had been since Ava was two weeks old when I last saw Arwen and years since I saw Aaryn her now husband. I loved having some girly time and playing with Arwen. Arwen and Ava did some serious bonding. We relaxed, hiked, shoped, ate great food, played with Sadie (their dog) and explored. It was amazingly beautiful and nice to spend so much of the weekend outside. I loved loved loved it there. I loaded Ava in the backpack and took her on hikes both days. And now I am really starting to think about a puppy..... Sadona their boxer charmed both Ava and me.
Ava had her nine month old well child visit. She weighed 18.3 pounds and was 28 inches long. She has been busy developing as the growing is slowing down a bit. She babels away and crawls and climbs in everything... i found her today surfing on this broken shelf in the cabinet under the bathroom sink while holding on to the pipes. She was having one hell of a time until i had to get her out from there which really ticked her off and was fairly tricky to do so.
so it has been a while we are back from ny and gearing up for Colorado next week but my mom came to visit this past weekend and it had been two whole months since she had seen ava.... a lot of big changes. sadly she took a lot of the pictures so not any of her with ava this time. It was wonderful to have my mommy here and ava really enjoyed all the attention. Shenaniganz is doing REALLY REALLY well - so far -- so we will keep our fingers crossed that it keeps going the way it has been. quit reading and go to shenaniganz.
ali is all about spinach... when she came to texas when ava was 41/2 weeks old she got ava to smile for the first time to ali saying spinach a lot..... it was so cute.... and then in nyc ava gets her first taste of real spinach... not the same smile response oh bixby..... kiss me