Sunday, February 21, 2010

just to clarify

Ava loves her daddy. She is pretty much the definition of "daddy's girl". She runs to him, she talks about him all day while he is at work, when we pass shenaniganz she says daddy, she points to every gatorade bottle and tries to get it for daddy, she snuggles daddy (and not me so much) she runs to our closet and pics out of his hats on a daily basis and wears it backwards on her head all day and will not let me take it off and does not like her baseball hats only daddys. There are 2 exceptions......... in the middle of the night she wants mommy and the other one is she has become a duke fan and sticking on my side here. This is not up for discussion it is fact.... so daddy you and your not very good this year tar heels can sit on the other side of the couch if you think you are going to trick me.... i am a blue devil girl. period.

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