Saturday, April 17, 2010


so ava has been sick for going on a week now. Last Monday she seemed miserable but i spotted 4 teeth coming through and thought that was the problem. She was not eating much at all so we relaxed and watched movies and took it easy. Tuesday she seemed worse so we headed for the doctor and sure enough she had a really really bad ear infection. She is still recovering and not back to herself yet or really eating so it made birthday camping trip not an option. However, as I was turning 28 I felt old and wanted to do a physical challenge. My mom began swimming a mile on her birthday like 20 years ago and she would call and say how proud she was of herself and i thought it was a good tradition to start..... some sort of physical challenge. So I decided this year after being inspired by a friends facebook post about running a 6 min mile that I wanted to try. Now she is new to the running thing and I knew that I could do one so I decided I wanted to do 4. crazy... a little. Now this is not without like 10 mins rest in between but i did it... 6:13, 6:02, 6:22, 6:18. close enough. Considering I was 5 plus months pregnant I felt like a champ and ignored the fact that I kinda peed in my pants.

1 comment:

Hannah Danielle said...

haha. Wow, you are awesome! I think I could do a .25 mile in 6 mins!! Does all this running while pregnant make your baby like to bounce when he comes out? xx