Monday, March 24, 2008

32 weeks

Jobina is doing and growing well. So two weeks ago we had a second level ultra sound to check one thing that was a bit of a concern to our new doctor but luckily turned out to be no concern and she looks good. Today the doctor read us the other details of the report (all of this was for two weeks ago (so 30 weeks) so she is probably even bigger now. Jobina was in the 75-90 percentile for size. She was 4.6 pounds and her legs measured as she was 36weeks old - shes got some long legs. so she is a big one... perhaps that is why i have now gained 13 pounds and can pretty much watch myself grow. So yes both Keegan and I were pleased that she was growing nicely and honestly a little nervous about the upcoming birth... hopefully she will not be 15 pounds like in my dream the other night.

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