Sunday, August 2, 2009


so yes the blog has not been written on in soo long... but it did not go by the way side. you see we got a virus on our home computer. we got it three times actually. the first time my amazing husband came home and worked on it for 6 hours while i was at a swim meet and bought the software to make it go away and blah blah blah... then we got it again and he did it again all over but then the third time it killed the computer. like gone. sad. it had tons of stuff that we are trying to get off of it like baby pictures and things like that. It looks like we will be able to get that stuff off but we are still deciding on a new home computer. so i only have access to a computer when keegan is home which lately seems to be just to sleep and then i have to take care of the required computer stuff... email, pay bills, facebook stalk and look up things i wan to know. But soon we will have a new computer and i will be able to add photos and everything but for the next two weeks i don't think you will hear too much from us.

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