Monday, October 13, 2008

this time last year

he came out of no where on the bridge... well it was the first column but i was so confused what was he doing there..... ali and i were taking a girly walk. or so i thought
blah blah blah.... he was crying, shaking and could barely talk but saying how much he loved me and stuff
then he asked... would i be his wife?
oh my gosh this really just happened......

what a wonderful beginning and it was just the beginning..... it really was the best day of my life (and thanks to ali who was in on the plan it was all caught on film) i mean the wedding day was amazing and meeting ava for the first time was so incredibly special but nothing in my head compares to the day we decided to do life together.
okay that is a lot of mush for a day but i am allowed.

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